Unlock divine strategies for your business by adding prophetic insight to your business development.

In the Innovation Station Mini-Labs we will help you:

  • Establish Goals

  • Discover What is Expanding in You

  • Decide What Success Look Like For You

  • 2024 Vision Casting

Book Your Mini Lab Today!



We’re here to help your business thrive

It’s easy to do business as usual or how you’ve always seen it done, but here at IAC we aim to take your business or non-profit and bring clarity and direction to launch it into the next season with greater power and authority.

What our clients are saying

  • The prophetic is relatively new to me (in my 37 years) as I was not taught much about it except that it no longer exists. So, I'm always cautiously optimistic with it. Knowing you didn't read my page and stalk me prior to praying for me was really big for me. You each were very genuine and confident in what you shared. It was LIFE GIVING and edifying. The Lord gave me many confirmations throughout and also made me stop and say "huh" in a few areas - specifically that my audience is all women.

    - Heather SB

  • We were so grateful for this powerful interactive exercise! Cheyenne, Vanessa and their team of prophetic Intercessors gave us clarity and direction to propel us toward our vision. This process has empowered us in building our business, The Undivided Heart. It confirmed the mandate we have to empower the world with freedom through heart and soul integration.

    - Susan R. and Shanna F. (From: The Undivided Heart)

Prophetic partnership brings clarity and precision and draws out the divine blueprints for your business or non-profit